In a significant achievement for the entire Varanasi region, Shreya Tripathi, daughter of Rakesh Kumar Tripathi, has won the prestigious title of “Miss Asia 2024”. The Grand Finale of this renowned beauty pageant organized in Varanasi by Glamour Production received an overwhelming response and saw exceptional talents from across India participating in it.
Early Life and Education
18-year-old Shreya Tripathi from Mughalsarai, Uttar Pradesh is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at Allahabad University in Prayagraj. Born in 2006 to a business family, she had an interesting childhood and had a keen interest in modeling. She started her education at Manas Convent CBSE School and later moved to Prayagraj to complete her secondary and senior secondary education.
The journey to Miss Asia 2024
Shreya’s passion for modeling, which was nurtured from an early age, flourished alongside her academic pursuits. Despite her family’s preference for a STEM background, she faced the challenges and fulfilled her dream. Her transformational journey culminated in her winning the title of Miss Asia 2024 in Varanasi, adding to the diversity of talent.
Event Highlights
The event comprised of multiple categories including Mr., Miss, and Mrs. Asia Model 2024. After rigorous auditions and grooming, the contestants competed in the grand finale judged by youth icon Shahban Khan, a model actor and celebrity influencer. The winners received titles, prizes, gift hampers, and exciting opportunities.
Gratitude and Future Prospects
Shahban Khan, the visionary founder of Glamour Production House expressed his gratitude to all the contributors, highlighting the important role of the platform in providing opportunities in the fashion, film, and entertainment industry. Shreya Tripathi’s success story is a testament to her dedication and the promising future of young talent in India.